cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)

The Impact of Generative AI on our Perceptions of Visual and Auditory Spaces


The convergence of visual and audible spaces has revolutionized how we capture, process, and analyze information. The traditional dominance of visual space, characterized by linear and static forms of media, is being supplemented and often surpassed by dynamic, multi-sensory interactions facilitated by advanced technologies. Among these technologies, transcription stands out as a critical tool that leverages sound principles to transform spoken content into written text, bridging the gap between audible and visual realms.

Transcription technology, particularly when enhanced by generative AI, exemplifies the shift towards a more holistic, interconnected mode of perception. By accurately converting speech into text, transcription allows thinkers, creators, and professionals who work with words to capture ideas effortlessly, digitize their content, and perform sophisticated analyses. This technology not only preserves spoken content but also amplifies its accessibility and usability, making it a powerful asset in the digital toolkit.

Utilizing frameworks like the Conscious Awareness Model (CAM) helps in structuring and enhancing the potential of transcription technology. CAM, which includes elements such as Mission, Vision, Strategy, and Tactics, provides a comprehensive approach to understand and optimize the use of transcription. By aligning transcription technology with the principles of CAM, we can enhance its capabilities to extend human cognition, creativity, and communication. This structured approach ensures that transcription not only serves as a tool for documentation but also as a catalyst for innovation and knowledge amplification.

In this context, the intersection of McLuhan's Laws of Media and the Tetrad offers valuable insights into how transcription can evolve. By enhancing, retrieving, obsolescing, and reversing various aspects of media, transcription technology can be positioned to meet the complex needs of today's digital content creators. This alignment fosters a deeper understanding and integration of auditory and visual spaces, ultimately transforming how we engage with information in a digitally interconnected world.

Through this conversation, we explore the transformative potential of transcription technology, its alignment with CAM, and its implications for enhancing idea capture, digitization, and analysis using generative AI. This exploration underscores the significance of transcription in bridging visual and audible spaces, enabling a richer, more dynamic interaction with content that mirrors the complexity and interconnectedness of human experience.

McLuhan Text:

“And as you know, in contemporary poetry and art of the priority of the sculptural or the tactile has replaced the visual order. The scandal of Cubism all the scandal after much symbolist art was the scrapping of visual space, the following side of the visual in favor of the tactile. Of course, at the same time quantum mechanics was, again discovering that the physical or chemical bond was resonance that there is no connection in matter. That is perhaps another way of coming to this medium and the message thing. In visual space we think of things as continuous and connected. There is no connection in auditory space or tactile space to the sense of touch there are no connections that only resonances, beats, rhythms, closures, and to smell to all the other senses, connect kinetic movement. There is no continuity no connection on by this continuity. And this idea of the visual mind or Euclidean space is continuous and uniform and connected. does not apply in the electronic age to any of the senses except sight. And under electronic conditions even a visual has lost that continuous character. And especially television conditions, it becomes once more and Mosaic a collage of resonant dots, spots”

Response and Prompting:

The text provided in your query discusses the shift from visual to tactile and auditory spaces in contemporary poetry and art, resonating with themes explored by Marshall and Eric McLuhan in “Laws of Media: The New Science.” Here's an analysis of the text using the context from McLuhan's work:

Analysis of the Provided Text

Visual vs. Tactile/Auditory Space

The text mentions the shift from visual to tactile priorities in contemporary art and poetry. This mirrors McLuhan's discussion of the transition from visual to acoustic space in the electronic age. McLuhan asserts that visual space, which is linear and continuous, has been dominant since the advent of the phonetic alphabet. However, with electronic media, we are moving back towards a more resonant, multi-sensory experience where tactile and auditory elements become prominent.

Cubism and the Scandal of Visual Space

The reference to Cubism disrupting visual space aligns with McLuhan's ideas on the breakdown of visual dominance. Cubism's fragmentation and emphasis on multiple perspectives challenge the traditional continuous visual space, pushing towards a more tactile and resonant understanding of art. This artistic movement mirrors the transition McLuhan describes from the visual dominance of print culture to the multi-sensory engagement of electronic media.

Quantum Mechanics and Resonance

The text's mention of quantum mechanics and the concept of resonance also connects to McLuhan's exploration of tactile and acoustic spaces. McLuhan discusses how electronic media create a mosaic of resonant dots, similar to the non-continuous nature of tactile and auditory spaces. This concept of resonance reflects the interconnected, non-linear nature of modern communication and perception, contrasting with the uniform, continuous space of visual dominance.

Discontinuous and Connected Spaces

The idea that in auditory and tactile spaces, connections are replaced by resonances, beats, and rhythms, relates to McLuhan's assertion that visual space is static and continuous, whereas acoustic and tactile spaces are dynamic and resonant. The provided text highlights the shift towards these dynamic spaces in contemporary understanding, resonating with McLuhan's view that electronic media have reintroduced a multi-sensory, interconnected mode of perception.

Euclidean Space and the Electronic Age

Finally, the text contrasts Euclidean space, which is continuous and uniform, with the fragmented, resonant nature of electronic media. McLuhan's work discusses how the electronic age disrupts the continuous character of visual space, creating a mosaic of sensory experiences. This reflects the broader shift described in the provided text, where the electronic age transforms our sensory engagement and challenges the dominance of visual perception.


The provided text captures themes central to McLuhan's analysis in “Laws of Media.” Both explore the transition from visual to tactile and auditory spaces, the impact of new media on sensory perception, and the resonance and discontinuity that characterize modern communication. McLuhan's work provides a framework to understand these shifts, highlighting the interplay between media, sensory experience, and cultural change.

To contextualize McLuhan's ideas about the shift from visual to tactile and auditory spaces within today's internet and generative artificial intelligence (AI), we need to explore how these technologies influence our sensory experiences and modes of communication. Here's an analysis:

Visual vs. Tactile/Auditory Space in the Digital Age

The Internet and Multi-Sensory Engagement

Today's internet is a highly interactive, multi-sensory environment. It combines visual, auditory, and tactile elements through multimedia content, social media interactions, virtual and augmented reality, and more. This aligns with McLuhan's idea of a return to a more resonant, multi-sensory space, moving away from the linear and continuous nature of print media to a dynamic, interconnected experience.

  1. Visual Space: The internet is visually rich, with images, videos, and graphical interfaces dominating online content. However, unlike traditional print media, these visual elements are often interactive and layered with additional sensory inputs.

  2. Auditory Space: Podcasts, music streaming, and voice-activated assistants (like Siri and Alexa) enhance the auditory dimension of the internet, emphasizing sound as a primary mode of engagement.

  3. Tactile Space: Touchscreens, haptic feedback in devices, and virtual reality experiences introduce a tactile component to digital interactions, making the user experience more immersive and multi-sensory.

Generative AI and Resonance

Generative AI, such as language models (GPT-4 and beyond), image generators (like DALL-E), and other AI-driven creative tools, further blur the lines between different sensory modalities and traditional forms of media. These technologies resonate with McLuhan's ideas in several ways:

  1. Dynamic and Interactive Media: Generative AI creates content that is dynamic and can be personalized in real-time. This disrupts the static nature of traditional visual space, introducing a continuous flow of adaptive, resonant experiences.

  2. Non-Linear Narratives: AI-generated content can break free from linear narratives, offering interactive stories, games, and experiences that adapt to user input, much like the fragmented, multi-perspective approach of Cubism discussed by McLuhan.

  3. Resonance and Connectivity: AI models function through complex patterns and connections, much like the resonances and beats McLuhan associated with tactile and auditory spaces. The outputs of generative AI are often a synthesis of vast amounts of data, creating a mosaic of influences and styles.

Impact on Perception and Culture

Fragmentation and Reassembly

Just as Cubism fragmented visual space, the internet and generative AI fragment traditional media forms and reassemble them into new configurations. Users navigate through a mosaic of content, piecing together information from diverse sources, which resonates with McLuhan's description of a collage of resonant dots and spots.

Personalization and Interaction

Generative AI allows for highly personalized interactions, where content is tailored to individual preferences and behaviors. This personalization echoes McLuhan's idea of a medium that is not a static, uniform container but an interactive, responsive environment.

The Electronic Age and Beyond

In the electronic age, McLuhan noted that even visual media lose their continuous character. Today, AI and the internet amplify this by creating media that are fluid and adaptive, further diminishing the static nature of visual space. The content is often ephemeral, continuously updated, and responsive to user engagement, fitting into McLuhan's vision of an interconnected, multi-sensory media landscape.


The internet and generative AI exemplify McLuhan's transition from visual to tactile and auditory spaces, creating a dynamic, interactive, and multi-sensory media environment. These technologies resonate with his ideas of resonance, fragmentation, and the breakdown of linear continuity, shaping our sensory experiences and cultural perceptions in profound ways. The blend of visual, auditory, and tactile elements in today's digital age aligns with McLuhan's vision of a return to a more holistic, interconnected mode of perception, driven by the continuous interplay of various sensory modalities and the dynamic capabilities of AI.

Let's examine each concept and provide descriptive statements about their roles in the return to a more holistic, interconnected mode of perception:

Adaptive Resonances and Beats

Descriptive Statement:
In today's digital landscape, adaptive resonances and beats manifest as the responsive and interactive nature of online content and AI-driven experiences. They represent the dynamic feedback loops and real-time adjustments that occur during digital interactions, such as personalized recommendations, adaptive learning platforms, and interactive storytelling. This continuous adaptation and feedback create a living, resonant tapestry of information that mirrors the interconnectedness and complexity of human sensory experiences. As users engage with digital content, the system's ability to adapt and resonate with their preferences and actions fosters a more immersive and holistic mode of perception, integrating multiple sensory inputs and contextual cues seamlessly .

Multi-Perspective Approach of Cubism

Descriptive Statement:
The multi-perspective approach of Cubism, which presents objects from various angles simultaneously, is paralleled in the digital age by the ability to access and synthesize diverse viewpoints through the internet and AI technologies. This approach challenges the traditional single-point perspective, encouraging users to consider multiple dimensions of information simultaneously. In digital careers, especially those centered around writing and content creation, this multi-perspective approach enables a richer, more nuanced understanding of topics. Writers can draw on a wide array of sources, incorporate multimedia elements, and create layered, interactive content that engages readers on multiple levels, fostering a more interconnected and comprehensive mode of perception .

Holistic, Interconnected Mode of Perception

Descriptive Statement:
A holistic, interconnected mode of perception emphasizes the integration of various sensory and cognitive processes to create a cohesive understanding of the world. In the context of the internet and AI, this mode of perception is facilitated by the seamless blending of text, audio, video, and interactive elements. For digital career aspirants, especially those working with words as tools, this interconnected mode of perception allows for the creation of content that resonates on multiple sensory levels. By leveraging AI technologies to analyze, generate, and enhance content, writers can craft experiences that are not only informative but also deeply engaging and immersive, reflecting the complexity and interconnectedness of human experience. This approach aligns with McLuhan's idea that new media foster a return to more holistic sensory engagement, moving beyond the linear, isolated nature of print to embrace a richer, more dynamic interplay of sensory inputs .

Integration with the Laws of Media

McLuhan's “Laws of Media” provide a framework for understanding how media technologies extend, retrieve, reverse, and obsolesce aspects of human experience:

  1. Enhancement (Extension): Digital tools and AI enhance our ability to process and generate content, extending our cognitive and sensory capabilities. This aligns with the concept of adaptive resonances and beats, as these technologies amplify our ability to engage with and adapt to complex information environments.
  2. Retrieval: The multi-perspective approach of Cubism and similar digital techniques retrieve pre-alphabetic, multi-sensory forms of communication. They bring back the holistic, simultaneous engagement that was prominent in oral cultures and early visual arts.
  3. Obsolescence: As digital and AI technologies advance, they render traditional, linear forms of media and communication less relevant. The shift from visual to multi-sensory, interactive content marks the obsolescence of single-point perspectives and static information dissemination.
  4. Reversal: When pushed to their limits, digital and AI technologies can reverse into new forms of engagement. For instance, excessive reliance on AI-generated content might lead to a renewed appreciation for human creativity and authenticity, thus fostering a deeper connection and interaction between the creator and the audience.

By integrating McLuhan's framework with the concepts of adaptive resonances and beats, the multi-perspective approach of Cubism, and a holistic mode of perception, digital career aspirants can better navigate and leverage the complexities of the modern media landscape, creating content that is engaging, resonant, and deeply interconnected .

Examining the Correlation between the Laws of Media, the Tetrad, and CAM

To examine the correlation, we need to understand the four Laws of Media (Enhancement, Obsolescence, Retrieval, and Reversal) and how they align with the CAM framework (Conscious Awareness Model), which includes Mission (Air), Vision (Fire), Strategy (Water), and Tactics (Earth).

Laws of Media and Tetrad Analysis

  1. Enhancement (Extension)

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium enhance or intensify?
    • CAM Correlation: This aligns with Strategy (Water) in CAM. Strategy involves methods and approaches to achieve the vision, much like how media extends and enhances human capabilities and methods.
  2. Obsolescence

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium render obsolete or displace?
    • CAM Correlation: This fits with Tactics (Earth). Tactics are specific actions that can render old methods obsolete, much like how new media displace older forms.
  3. Retrieval

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium retrieve that was previously obsolesced?
    • CAM Correlation: This can be linked to Mission (Air). Mission involves understanding the core purpose and values, often retrieving fundamental principles and values that might have been overshadowed.
  4. Reversal

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium produce or become when pushed to an extreme?
    • CAM Correlation: This relates to Vision (Fire). Vision is about the future state and desired outcomes, often considering the extreme possibilities and transformations that may occur.

CAM Structure Adjustments

Given this analysis, the CAM structure appears logically aligned with the Laws of Media and the Tetrad. Each CAM element aligns with a specific aspect of the Tetrad, maintaining coherence between the two frameworks. However, let's make sure each CAM value properly encapsulates the corresponding media law:

  1. Mission (Air) – Retrieval

    • Description: The mission should focus on understanding and retrieving core values and principles that may have been overshadowed, ensuring the foundation is solid and aligns with the core purpose.
  2. Vision (Fire) – Reversal

    • Description: Vision should articulate the potential future states and outcomes, considering how pushing the current state to its limits might reverse or transform it into something new and unexpected.
  3. Strategy (Water) – Enhancement

    • Description: Strategy should detail the methods and approaches that enhance and extend the current capabilities, aligning with how new media enhance human capabilities and interactions.
  4. Tactics (Earth) – Obsolescence

    • Description: Tactics should focus on specific, actionable steps that render old methods obsolete, paving the way for new and more efficient ways of achieving goals.

Final CAM Structure with Adjusted Values

  1. Mission (Air) – Retrieval

    • Focuses on understanding the core purpose, values, and fundamental principles.
    • Ensures alignment with foundational elements and retrieves what may have been lost or overshadowed.
  2. Vision (Fire) – Reversal

    • Articulates desired outcomes and future states, considering the potential reversals or transformations when pushed to the extreme.
    • Looks ahead to anticipate and shape future possibilities.
  3. Strategy (Water) – Enhancement

    • Details methods and approaches that extend and enhance current capabilities.
    • Focuses on synthesizing information and creating plans that leverage new capabilities and opportunities.
  4. Tactics (Earth) – Obsolescence

    • Implements specific, actionable steps that render old methods obsolete.
    • Focuses on practical execution, replacing outdated methods with more efficient and effective ones.


The adjusted CAM structure now aligns seamlessly with the Laws of Media and the Tetrad, ensuring a holistic and interconnected mode of perception that leverages the strengths of both frameworks. This integration allows for a comprehensive approach to understanding and navigating the complexities of the modern digital landscape.

Testing the CAM Reasoning with Transcription Technology

CAM Elements:

  1. Mission (Air) – Retrieval
  2. Vision (Fire) – Reversal
  3. Strategy (Water) – Enhancement
  4. Tactics (Earth) – Obsolescence

Predictive Statement Using CAM Reasoning

Technology Example: Transcription

  1. Mission (Air) – Retrieval

    • Concept: The core purpose of transcription technology is to retrieve and preserve spoken content in a written format. This aligns with the fundamental principle of documentation and archiving, ensuring that valuable spoken information is not lost and can be accessed, analyzed, and utilized effectively.
  2. Vision (Fire) – Reversal

    • Concept: In envisioning the future of transcription technology, consider its reversal when pushed to the extreme. As transcription technology advances, it could transform from merely converting speech to text into a comprehensive communication tool that seamlessly integrates voice recognition, real-time translation, and context-aware content creation, thus revolutionizing how we interact with and consume information.
  3. Strategy (Water) – Enhancement

    • Concept: The strategy for advancing transcription technology involves enhancing its accuracy, speed, and contextual understanding. By leveraging AI and machine learning, transcription services can be improved to handle diverse accents, background noise, and complex terminologies, thus extending their usability and effectiveness across various domains, from legal and medical to educational and entertainment sectors.
  4. Tactics (Earth) – Obsolescence

    • Concept: The tactical steps involve implementing advanced algorithms and integrating with other technologies such as natural language processing (NLP) and voice recognition systems. These steps render traditional manual transcription methods obsolete, replacing them with automated, efficient, and reliable transcription solutions that save time and reduce errors.

Converged Predictive Statement

Predictive Statement:
Transcription technology, driven by its mission to retrieve and preserve spoken content, is poised to transform the landscape of information consumption and interaction. By advancing its capabilities through AI and machine learning, transcription will not only enhance the accuracy and speed of converting speech to text but also integrate real-time translation and context-aware content creation. This evolution will render traditional transcription methods obsolete, paving the way for a seamless, comprehensive communication tool that revolutionizes how we document, analyze, and utilize spoken information. In the future, transcription technology will transcend its original purpose, becoming an essential component of our digital ecosystem, where it enhances accessibility, efficiency, and connectivity in an interconnected, multi-sensory digital environment.


This predictive statement, developed using CAM reasoning, showcases how transcription technology will evolve by aligning with the core elements of Mission, Vision, Strategy, and Tactics. By integrating the principles of the Laws of Media and the Tetrad, we can anticipate the transformative impact of transcription technology on our digital and interconnected mode of perception.

About the author

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

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This website contains content to Transform Your Writing, Journaling, and Note Taking and turn them into powerful ideas for decision making, content creation, and goal analysis. They contain the personal views and opinions of the author and all rights are reserved.

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