cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)

Understanding the Laws of Media and their alignment with the CAM Framework for Personal Branding


CAM Framework – The Laws of Media

We need to understand the four Laws of Media (Enhancement, Obsolescence, Retrieval, and Reversal) and how they align with the CAM framework (Conscious Awareness Model), which includes Mission (Air), Vision (Fire), Strategy (Water), and Tactics (Earth).

Laws of Media and Tetrad Analysis

  1. Enhancement (Extension)

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium enhance or intensify?
    • CAM Correlation: This aligns with Strategy (Water) in CAM. Strategy involves methods and approaches to achieve the vision, much like how media extends and enhances human capabilities and methods.
  2. Obsolescence

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium render obsolete or displace?
    • CAM Correlation: This fits with Tactics (Earth). Tactics are specific actions that can render old methods obsolete, much like how new media displace older forms.
  3. Retrieval

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium retrieve that was previously obsolesced?
    • CAM Correlation: This can be linked to Mission (Air). Mission involves understanding the core purpose and values, often retrieving fundamental principles and values that might have been overshadowed.
  4. Reversal

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium produce or become when pushed to an extreme?
    • CAM Correlation: This relates to Vision (Fire). Vision is about the future state and desired outcomes, often considering the extreme possibilities and transformations that may occur.

CAM Structure Adjustments

Given this analysis, the CAM structure appears logically aligned with the Laws of Media and the Tetrad. Each CAM element aligns with a specific aspect of the Tetrad, maintaining coherence between the two frameworks. However, let's make sure each CAM value properly encapsulates the corresponding media law:

  1. Mission (Air) – Retrieval

    • Description: The mission should focus on understanding and retrieving core values and principles that may have been overshadowed, ensuring the foundation is solid and aligns with the core purpose.
  2. Vision (Fire) – Reversal

    • Description: Vision should articulate the potential future states and outcomes, considering how pushing the current state to its limits might reverse or transform it into something new and unexpected.
  3. Strategy (Water) – Enhancement

    • Description: Strategy should detail the methods and approaches that enhance and extend the current capabilities, aligning with how new media enhance human capabilities and interactions.
  4. Tactics (Earth) – Obsolescence

    • Description: Tactics should focus on specific, actionable steps that render old methods obsolete, paving the way for new and more efficient ways of achieving goals.

Final CAM Structure with Adjusted Values

  1. Mission (Air) – Retrieval

    • Focuses on understanding the core purpose, values, and fundamental principles.
    • Ensures alignment with foundational elements and retrieves what may have been lost or overshadowed.
  2. Vision (Fire) – Reversal

    • Articulates desired outcomes and future states, considering the potential reversals or transformations when pushed to the extreme.
    • Looks ahead to anticipate and shape future possibilities.
  3. Strategy (Water) – Enhancement

    • Details methods and approaches that extend and enhance current capabilities.
    • Focuses on synthesizing information and creating plans that leverage new capabilities and opportunities.
  4. Tactics (Earth) – Obsolescence

    • Implements specific, actionable steps that render old methods obsolete.
    • Focuses on practical execution, replacing outdated methods with more efficient and effective ones.


The adjusted CAM structure now aligns seamlessly with the Laws of Media and the Tetrad, ensuring a holistic and interconnected mode of perception that leverages the strengths of both frameworks. This integration allows for a comprehensive approach to understanding and navigating the complexities of the modern digital landscape.


Subject: Personal Branding

CAM Elements:

  1. Mission (Air) – Retrieval
  2. Vision (Fire) – Reversal
  3. Strategy (Water) – Enhancement
  4. Tactics (Earth) – Obsolescence

Predictive Statement Using CAM Reasoning

Concept Example: Website Owner and Operator Building a Personal Brand

  1. Mission (Air) – Retrieval

    • Concept: The mission of a website owner and operator building a personal brand is to retrieve and showcase their core values, unique voice, and authentic personality. This involves understanding and emphasizing the foundational elements that define their personal brand, such as their expertise, passions, and the value they offer to their audience.
  2. Vision (Fire) – Reversal

    • Concept: The vision for building a personal brand involves anticipating how the brand will evolve and transform over time. When pushed to the extreme, a personal brand that starts with a focus on individual content creation may reverse into a more collaborative and community-driven platform. This transformation can lead to a broader influence, where the website becomes a hub for interactive engagement, networking, and collective growth.
  3. Strategy (Water) – Enhancement

    • Concept: The strategy for enhancing a personal brand through a website involves leveraging digital tools and platforms to extend the brand's reach and impact. This includes utilizing SEO, content marketing, social media integration, and analytics to amplify the brand's presence, engage with the audience, and continuously improve based on feedback and performance data.
  4. Tactics (Earth) – Obsolescence

    • Concept: The tactical steps involve adopting cutting-edge technologies and methodologies that render traditional brand-building methods obsolete. For instance, incorporating AI-driven content creation, personalized user experiences, and automated marketing tools can replace manual, time-consuming processes, making the brand-building efforts more efficient and scalable.

Four Laws of Media and CAM Framework Alignment

The Four Laws of Media (Enhancement, Obsolescence, Retrieval, and Reversal) align with the CAM (Conscious Awareness Model) framework through their respective elements: Mission (Air), Vision (Fire), Strategy (Water), and Tactics (Earth). Here’s how they correlate:

  1. Enhancement (Extension)

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium enhance or intensify?
    • CAM Correlation: Strategy (Water) – Strategy involves methods and approaches to achieve the vision, similar to how media enhances and extends human capabilities and methods.
  2. Obsolescence

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium render obsolete or displace?
    • CAM Correlation: Tactics (Earth) – Tactics involve specific actions that can render old methods obsolete, akin to how new media displace older forms.
  3. Retrieval

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium retrieve that was previously obsolesced?
    • CAM Correlation: Mission (Air) – Mission involves understanding the core purpose and values, often retrieving fundamental principles and values that might have been overshadowed.
  4. Reversal

    • Tetrad Question: What does the medium produce or become when pushed to an extreme?
    • CAM Correlation: Vision (Fire) – Vision is about the future state and desired outcomes, considering the extreme possibilities and transformations that may occur.

Adjusted CAM Structure

Given this alignment, here’s the adjusted CAM structure to incorporate the Four Laws of Media:

  1. Mission (Air) – Retrieval

    • Description: Focus on understanding and retrieving core values and principles that may have been overshadowed, ensuring alignment with the foundational purpose.
    • Questions:
      • What fundamental principles and values are central to our mission?
      • How can we retrieve and emphasize these core elements?
      • What has been lost or overshadowed that needs to be brought back into focus?
  2. Vision (Fire) – Reversal

    • Description: Articulate the potential future states and outcomes, considering the possible reversals or transformations when the current state is pushed to its limits.
    • Questions:
      • What are the desired outcomes and future states we aim to achieve?
      • How might our current trajectory reverse or transform in extreme conditions?
      • What unexpected developments should we anticipate and prepare for?
  3. Strategy (Water) – Enhancement

    • Description: Detail methods and approaches that extend and enhance current capabilities, leveraging new opportunities and improving interactions.
    • Questions:
      • What strategies can enhance our capabilities and extend our reach?
      • How can we leverage new tools and methods to improve our effectiveness?
      • What enhancements can be made to optimize our approach?
  4. Tactics (Earth) – Obsolescence

    • Description: Implement specific, actionable steps that render old methods obsolete, focusing on practical execution to achieve goals efficiently.
    • Questions:
      • What actions can we take to implement our strategies effectively?
      • Which outdated methods need to be replaced?
      • How can we ensure our tactics are practical and aligned with our strategic goals?

Example: Personal Branding

To illustrate the application of this integrated framework, let’s consider the concept of a website owner and operator building a personal brand:

  1. Mission (Air) – Retrieval

    • Concept: Retrieve and showcase core values, unique voice, and authentic personality. Emphasize the foundational elements that define the personal brand, such as expertise, passions, and value offered to the audience.
    • Questions:
      • What are the core values and unique aspects of my personal brand?
      • How can I highlight these elements on my website?
      • What fundamental principles should guide my content creation?
  2. Vision (Fire) – Reversal

    • Concept: Envision the evolution of the brand, considering extreme transformations. Anticipate a shift from individual content creation to a collaborative, community-driven platform, broadening influence and engagement.
    • Questions:
      • What is the ultimate goal for my personal brand?
      • How might my brand transform if it grows significantly?
      • What potential reversals should I prepare for in my branding strategy?
  3. Strategy (Water) – Enhancement

    • Concept: Leverage digital tools to extend the brand’s reach and impact. Use SEO, content marketing, social media integration, and analytics to enhance brand presence and engagement.
    • Questions:
      • What digital tools can enhance my brand’s visibility?
      • How can I extend my reach through strategic content distribution?
      • What methods will optimize my brand’s impact and engagement?
  4. Tactics (Earth) – Obsolescence

    • Concept: Implement actions that render old branding methods obsolete. Incorporate AI-driven content creation, personalized user experiences, and automated marketing tools to replace manual processes, making brand-building efforts more efficient and scalable.
    • Questions:
      • What specific steps can I take to implement my branding strategy?
      • Which traditional methods need to be replaced with more efficient ones?
      • How can I ensure my actions are practical and aligned with my strategic goals?


This integrated approach aligns the CAM framework with the Four Laws of Media, ensuring a comprehensive and interconnected mode of perception. By leveraging the strengths of both frameworks, it provides a robust structure for understanding and navigating the complexities of modern digital media and personal branding.

About the author

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

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