cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)

Synthesizing Classical and Jungian Elements in the CAM Framework for Comprehensive Analysis.


We discuss the classical elements (fire, air, water, earth) and their symbolic representation in Jungian psychology, linking these elements to psychic functions (intuition, thinking, feeling, sensation). Here's how we can integrate these insights into the CAM framework, further enriched by the temperaments and the Laws of Media.

CAM Framework with Classical and Jungian Elements

1. Mission (Air – Sanguine) – Retrieval

  • Temperament: Sanguine
  • Classical Element: Air
  • Jungian Function: Thinking
  • Description: The Mission focuses on understanding and retrieving core values and principles with enthusiasm and positivity. Air, symbolizing clarity and communication, aligns with the thinking function, emphasizing rationality and logic. This element ensures the mission is driven by clear, logical understanding and a positive outlook, seeking to retrieve fundamental principles and core values.

2. Vision (Fire – Choleric) – Reversal

  • Temperament: Choleric
  • Classical Element: Fire
  • Jungian Function: Intuition
  • Description: The Vision articulates desired outcomes and future states with ambition and leadership. Fire, symbolizing energy and transformation, aligns with the intuition function, emphasizing foresight and innovation. This element ensures the vision is dynamic and forward-thinking, considering potential reversals or transformations when pushed to extremes.

3. Strategy (Water – Melancholic) – Enhancement

  • Temperament: Melancholic
  • Classical Element: Water
  • Jungian Function: Feeling
  • Description: The Strategy details methods and approaches that enhance and extend current capabilities with analytical precision. Water, symbolizing adaptability and depth, aligns with the feeling function, emphasizing empathy and connectivity. This element ensures strategies are well-researched, considerate of emotional impacts, and enhance overall effectiveness by connecting rational plans with emotional intelligence.

4. Tactics (Earth – Phlegmatic) – Obsolescence

  • Temperament: Phlegmatic
  • Classical Element: Earth
  • Jungian Function: Sensation
  • Description: The Tactics implement specific, actionable steps that render old methods obsolete with calm and reliability. Earth, symbolizing stability and practicality, aligns with the sensation function, emphasizing reality and pragmatism. This element ensures tactics are grounded, practical, and executed steadily, replacing outdated methods with more efficient and reliable ones.

Synthesis with Laws of Media

  1. Enhancement (Strategy – Water – Melancholic – Feeling)

    • Extending human capabilities through well-researched methods and detailed planning, integrating emotional and rational aspects.
  2. Obsolescence (Tactics – Earth – Phlegmatic – Sensation)

    • Replacing outdated methods with practical, reliable actions, emphasizing stability and pragmatism.
  3. Retrieval (Mission – Air – Sanguine – Thinking)

    • Bringing back core values and principles with enthusiasm and clear, logical understanding.
  4. Reversal (Vision – Fire – Choleric – Intuition)

    • Anticipating and planning for future transformations with ambition and innovative foresight.

Revised CAM Framework with Classical Elements, Jungian Functions, and Temperaments

  1. Mission (Air – Sanguine – Thinking) – Retrieval

    • Focus on understanding the core purpose and retrieving fundamental principles with enthusiasm and clarity.
    • Ensure alignment with the organization's core values, driven by rational understanding and positivity.
  2. Vision (Fire – Choleric – Intuition) – Reversal

    • Articulate desired outcomes and future states with ambition and foresight.
    • Consider potential reversals or transformations when pushed to extremes, driven by innovative planning.
  3. Strategy (Water – Melancholic – Feeling) – Enhancement

    • Detail methods and approaches that enhance and extend current capabilities with analytical precision and emotional connectivity.
    • Focus on synthesizing information and creating well-researched, empathetic plans.
  4. Tactics (Earth – Phlegmatic – Sensation) – Obsolescence

    • Implement specific, actionable steps that render old methods obsolete with calm and practicality.
    • Ensure practical execution and steady implementation of new methods, grounded in reality.


By integrating the classical elements and Jungian functions into the CAM framework, alongside the temperaments and Laws of Media, we create a comprehensive model that aligns various aspects of human perception, media interaction, and strategic planning. This enriched CAM framework provides a holistic and interconnected approach to navigating the complexities of modern digital media and content creation.

About the author

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

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This website contains content to Transform Your Writing, Journaling, and Note Taking and turn them into powerful ideas for decision making, content creation, and goal analysis. They contain the personal views and opinions of the author and all rights are reserved.

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