cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)

Designing a Clear Plan for Personal Growth and Communication (Initial Idea)


I'm using personal workflow tools to capture ideas and thoughts on the go for later input and analysis for journal entries and content creation using GPT analysis. It's a constant struggle to keep notes together and central in once accessible repository. For this build I am using the WordPress CMS, Plugins, and Manual GPT Analysis and publishing tools to streamline the process more effectively. Documenting steps along the way.

Capture Method:

GPT-4o Formatting

Okay, so what I'm trying to figure out here is that we need to be able to design a plan with a clear execution. There's a lot we can do in the world, but here's a clear structure to get through it. It will take a few hours, which will be recorded, and once done, you will have something tangible. Then, you can look at tweaking the structure and being able to optimize it according to the message. You can start with the message and then figure out the tech, or you can handle the tech first and figure out the message later. Either way, get to a point where you know what you're about and everything that pulls on and takes away from that to shape it.

These things form part of the journey—the mapping of the content on the way forward. That way, it is easier to figure out what you want and what you're all about. Everyone here has a mission, and you might be part of a larger vision. The vision is what gets you to where you want to go. For those lacking a vision, they may not be ready for it yet; they are still shaping their experience.

In this world, larger visions often involve ideas like nation, state, or religion. On the flip side, the total opposite of that is the vision of who you are as a human being and as a soul. Bridging the gap between these two gets you to a place of contentment, happiness, and joy—those virtues and desires that have been on humanity's mind since the beginning of time. Now, with the power of our intellect, represented metaphorically as Promethean fire, we can create representations of our intellect, consisting of memory and intelligence, to gain more understanding of the reality in our presence.

Something that feels like a true north star to me is this idea of personal automation. Humans naturally want to conserve energy as part of our survival instinct. We contribute to society by optimizing and saving energy, time, and resources. In my specific case, I am always thinking of digital workflows and ways to stitch different technologies together to save costs and achieve efficient results. This involves creating a journal to think both intrinsically and extrinsically, making the implicit explicit through the discipline of writing.

Being able to put words out in a way that makes sense is important. Sometimes, feelings present in the creative spark are difficult to express. We have hidden parts of ourselves that need verbal expression. Bridging these two worlds helps us communicate experiences that not everyone understands, as not everyone has the same vocabulary or experiences.

Your audience and users will only relate to the level at which you can express experiences that they are going through or have gone through. Symbols representing sounds provide context for the user to see what you're trying to say. Everyone reflects the world through their memory and experience, both physical and ethereal. This bridge is technology. We encode our thoughts and reflective work on processing our experiences, wanting to remember some aspects as part of the journaling process. This helps define aspects that can be communicated.

Similarly, in your communication with your audience, there's a rich mapping you can draw from by documenting your experiences using a certain workflow. When you get down to the job, you're able to get it done because you have the skill of thinking, processing, and writing—a rich library of experience you can draw on. Your audience can connect with your experience and how you represent it.

This is the focus I want to bring to my daily work. I need to get a few things done: the structure by which people communicate the message and the workflow by which they capture ideas, along with some analysis tools to create meaningful content. The initial customers for this will be coaches who want to learn how to build an audience attracted to their authenticity using simple tools to communicate the message clearly and profitably. This can be the title of the lead magnet, and then I can create the specific workflow and documentation discussed in this conversation.

Original Audio Transcription:

Okay so what I'm trying to figure out here is to we need to be able to design a plan with a clear execution so there's a lot of things we can do in the world but here's a clear structure you will get through it it will take a few hours which will be recorded and once done you will have something tangible and then one can look at tweaking the structure and being able to being able to uh tweak and optimize the structure according to the message so you can start with the message and then figure out the tech oh you can do the tech and having done and figure out the message either way get to a point where you know what you're about and everything that is uh pulling on that and taking away from that in order to shape it those things from part of the journey the mapping of the content on the way forward that way it is easier to figure out what you want and what you're all about was everybody here for a mission you might be part of a larger vision the Vision is that all card the Vision is the thing it gets you to where you want to go and for those who are lacking a vision then we'll have not won ready within not ready for um they vision yet they still shaping at this experience for it those are normally in this world largest of vision is being this idea of nation state religion part of those those visions but on the flip side of that on the total opposite binary opposite of that is the Vision of who you are as a human being you are as a soul and it's breaking the gap between these two that get you to place of contentment of happiness and joy those things and the theory virtues and uh desires that have that has been on man's mind since the beginning of time and now with the power of your poop the Promethean fire which needs to be used wisely because it is already out and exposed we are able to create uh representations of our interlect which consists of memory and intelligence in order to create this part of a larger hole to gain more understanding uh of the reality that is in our presence or rather our presence that is in reality of which we know very little about

Something that feels to me like a true north star is this idea that uh this thing about personal automation now of course humans are made conserve energy we naturally want to conserve energy that is part of our civilized instinct and ability to survive and how we contribute to this world in that form of of uh optimization and saving of energy time at resources uh is value you society in my specific case I am always thinking of uh digital workflows uh ways to stitch different technologies together specifically to save costs and to get uh the most efficient uh uh result obtained in this case in a way for a created to journal and think not entrance exactly or rather entrance exactly and extrinsically or other say making the implicit explicit through the discipline of writing being able to put the words out in a way that makes sense sometimes they are feelings that are present in the creative spark and desire but we finds the difficult for expression for that reason you know we have hidden parts of ourselves that need to be expressed in the verbal terms the ability to turn the two worlds to bridge level that most people don't understand that not everybody possesses the vocabulary only because of the fact that they don't have the same experience and if they don't have the same experience than have the same feeling reflects and image of a kind in a context to the user if he works a memory on another heart disk and also memory within the user so so your your audience and user uses will only be will be relevant to the level to which you can express things of experience and to which they are the going through the experience or having been through the experience and symbols that represent sounds in order to provide context for the user in order to see what you're trying to say that one person everybody's reflecting the world through the memory and experience on the through the memory which is physical and ethereal the memory being in the experience and also in the world that bridge is technology and we are trying to encode our own thoughts our own uh reflective hard work on processing are experience in and wanted to remember some aspects of it that forms part of the journaling process and it's this journey process that helps defined aspects which can be communicated that two ways to go about this there is the the retrieval mechanism where building through which the uh insights can be prompted based on previous thinking so by being able to process in document uh it's creative richer library of experiencees that can be drawn on in a specific intentional communication or message the other and then there is the ability to through contextualization evoke memory of those specific experiences one example is evidence with uh dream journaling you forget your dreams but if you journal what you dreamed first things so you can remember some visual aspect of it you're able to record the dream and this is true only to those who try so in the same way you work the experience in your communication with your audience there's a rich mapping we can draw from because you documenting them using a certain workflow or you can just be processing walking as then close just and when you get down to the job you're able to get it done because you have the skill skill of thinking processing and writing it's a rich library of experience you can draw on and your audience connect the use your experience in the way in how you can represent that experience so this is sort of the focus I want to bring to my daily work and I need to get a few things done the structure by which people again communicate the message and then they workflow by which the capture the ideas and some analysis tools by which to create meaningful content in the first uh the customer for this will be coaches who want to learn how to build and audience attracted to their authenticity using simple tools communicate the message clearly and profitably this can be the title of the lead magnet and then I can create this specific workflow and documentation that was discussing this conversation

See also: Niche Analysis for this, and creating a Digital Journal structure

About the author

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

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This website contains content to Transform Your Writing, Journaling, and Note Taking and turn them into powerful ideas for decision making, content creation, and goal analysis. They contain the personal views and opinions of the author and all rights are reserved.

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