cyberkinesis Digital Knowledge and Skills for 21'st Century Sensemaking

Using Make-Perceive Logic for Synoptic Sensemaking using CAM


The concept of “make-perceive” involves superimposing mental imagery onto real or imagined scenarios to enhance understanding and problem-solving. This technique can be effectively integrated into the Core Alignment Model (CAM) to facilitate Synoptic Sensemaking. This approach ensures that the stages of CAM—Mission, Vision, Strategy, and Tactics—are contextualized, interconnected, and aligned with continuous feedback and real-world dynamics.

Applying Make-Perceive to CAM for Synoptic Sensemaking

  1. Mission (Air – Observation and Intuition):

Objective: Understand the environment, gather data, and define the core purpose.

Make-Perceive Application:

  • Visualization of Data Sources: Use mental imagery to map out potential data sources and their contributions to the mission. Visualize a network of sensors or information nodes providing real-time data.
  • Scenario Projection: Create mental images of various environmental conditions or changes to identify key factors and inform the mission.
  • Intuitive Synthesis: Integrate observed data into coherent patterns using mental imagery, forming a comprehensive understanding of the mission.

Example: When planning a city’s disaster response strategy, visualize the city layout and overlay potential disaster scenarios (e.g., floods, earthquakes) to identify key intervention areas and data collection points.

  1. Vision (Fire – Orientation and Thinking):

Objective: Articulate desired outcomes and future state, orienting efforts towards achieving these goals.

Make-Perceive Application:

  • Future State Visualization: Imagine the end state of the project, creating a detailed mental image of the desired outcomes.
  • Critical Assessment: Superimpose this future state onto the current situation to identify gaps and necessary changes, visualizing transition steps and intermediate stages.
  • Analytical Mapping: Map out the logical sequence of actions required to achieve the vision, overlaying potential challenges and mitigation strategies.

Example: In a corporate restructuring plan, visualize the new organizational structure and superimpose it on the current layout. Identify departments or roles that need to be changed or developed to achieve the desired future state.

  1. Strategy (Water – Decision and Feeling):

Objective: Develop methods and approaches to achieve the vision, making critical decisions on how to address the problem.

Make-Perceive Application:

  • Strategic Paths Visualization: Mentally simulate various strategic options, visualizing different approaches and their potential outcomes.
  • Stakeholder Feedback Integration: Imagine stakeholder reactions and emotional responses to different strategies, visualizing stakeholder meetings and feedback sessions to refine strategic choices.
  • Emotional Resonance: Use mental imagery to gauge the emotional impact of strategic decisions, visualizing how strategies align with the values and feelings of the team or community involved.

Example: For a marketing campaign, visualize different ad placements and strategies. Superimpose customer reactions and feedback to determine the most emotionally resonant and effective approach.

  1. Tactics (Earth – Action and Sensation):

Objective: Implement strategies through specific, actionable steps, focusing on practical execution.

Make-Perceive Application:

  • Action Plan Visualization: Create detailed mental images of each step in the tactical plan, visualizing the execution process, resources needed, and potential challenges.
  • Resource Allocation: Imagine the deployment of resources and tools, visualizing their use in real-time to ensure practical alignment with the strategy.
  • Sensory Feedback Analysis: Mentally simulate the immediate outcomes of actions, visualizing sensory feedback (e.g., visual, tactile, auditory) to assess if the actions are achieving the desired results.

Example: In implementing a new software system, visualize the step-by-step installation process, including potential user interactions and troubleshooting steps. Superimpose this on the current IT infrastructure to ensure compatibility and effectiveness.

Continuous Feedback and Adaptation

Conscious Awareness (Overarching Principle):

  • Monitor Alignment: Continuously visualize the alignment between the current stage and the overall goals, superimposing current progress onto the desired outcomes to ensure coherence.
  • Integrate Feedback: Use mental imagery to integrate feedback from all stages, visualizing adjustments and their impact on the entire process.
  • Maintain Balance: Imagine the interplay between different elements and stages, using make-perceive to ensure that no stage or element is out of balance, maintaining overall coherence and alignment.

By leveraging make-perceive techniques, Synoptic Sensemaking in CAM enhances strategic reasoning, ensuring each stage is well-informed, dynamically adjusted, and aligned with overarching goals and values. This approach fosters a holistic and adaptive decision-making process, responsive to real-world feedback and evolving circumstances.

See CAM, Briscoe

About the author

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

cyberkinesis Digital Knowledge and Skills for 21'st Century Sensemaking

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

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