cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)


The Reflective Mind: Unlocking Creative Potentials Through Stillness


Walter Russell describes in his own words how the mind should mirror the stateof a Deep Well of Still Water to be in the Zone of the Creator and Creativity. In the tranquil depths of introspection, I found resonance with Walter Russell's timeless voice from 1953, articulating an analogy that the mind should mirror the state of a deep well of still water to truly be in the zone of the Creator and...

cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

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