cyberkinesis Digital Knowledge and Skills for 21'st Century Sensemaking

Layers of Perception – Cybernetics


**\Do you get an undo in the sense of reversing your thought? In a sense of deleting your tweet? In the sense of reversing your actions? In the digital world, undo's are common. In the real world, they don't exist. Now don't take this in a negative light. It's not that way. Everything you read, seen, heard, experienced forms part of who you are. You think you know what I mean when I say what you've heard, sensed. We're talking about the senses, but that's just one layer of real-time awareness. Real-time awareness is an embodied awareness. Not just with the senses, but with the other faculties of mind and cognition. On the one layer you have senses, which gives you all your physical experiences in life. This is the sensible world, where things are made of matter, where things can be measured, they can be touched, they can be formulated, they can be manipulated, they can be changed through chemistry into different parts. Things can be made with these elements that are present in our conscious awareness, but present in the real world as we perceive it. Things are malleable, things can be formed. What if I told you that this whole sense of experience, of the physical world, from you wanting an abundant life, being and living where you want, consuming what you want, being of an exclusive material elite. What if I told you that all of this was a total percentage of your experience about this, is about 3.96%. Less than 5% of your experience is made up of this material world, the other 96% is made up of everything it means to you and others. And parts of that you are aware of and parts of that you aren't. The sensible world has extensions into other parts of what you would call perception. The sense world extends by having a thought associated with it. Because if you think about it, it's not the thought that comes from the object. You actually attach a meaning to the object. You can sense it right now. It pulls you to things. You know what objects are because they're not part of you and they have a certain level of aversion or attraction. So this is the part that you negotiate. Some things are known in the material universe, some things are unknown. There are things like waves, particles and rays studied in quantum mechanics and physics that are still leaving answers that do not give conclusive answers to the questions. There are still questions and what everybody has come to realize is that the material world is constructed out of material things, but it came other than nature, which occurs by itself without man's intervention. The things that are created and maintained, that is other of nature, created with technology, that is the world of man. It's the world of intelligent man, knowing that from a perception they attach meaning to an object, to a person, to a place, to a thing. Attachment to these things, not from the thing itself, unless it's engineered. Some people are addicted to things. So we have our sense world and material and we have our perception of the world. We also call that a first order cybernetics. We're in the capsule looking out through the window. That is the second level. When you realize, not just interacting with the objects of the world as they are, but you realize from another perspective, seeing yourself acting in the world with attachments and detachments to objects and seeing a high level where, as if you're outside of that, seeing where the limits and the boundaries are, you can see further. Time does not exist in that third level, or second level. Time does not exist in that second level, or the cybernetics. You're watching the actor act with the things around. That's from first to second order. When we realize as we watch the watcher watching the actor playing with things, we become observer to that which observes, that which does things, which actions, either actions consciously or acts unconsciously, by nature, by instinct, by patterning, by programming. That is the third level cybernetics, third order cybernetics being the observer watching that which observes, that which acts, and realizing that there is a strategic level. There is the vision, which is outside of that experience, which is the formulation of mind, creating malleable image in the mind, in the plasticity of mind. That which is not around and holding on to that idea and developing it as if building a cathedral in the sky. I want to change that, not cathedral. Building an experience in the mind, a feeling towards something that can be formed in many ways. A vision is the imagination, the ability to use principles by which to function towards something that's grounded and real, because where you stand in the mission of life, not acting, preparing, not performing in life, but participating in life, doing life as time goes on and we get older and wiser. We got this being in the world, to observing being in the world, to watching the observer being in the world, and we have, from a mental perspective, the creative fire of visionary imagination, and we have the grounding roots of the rock, the momentary awareness, the integral aspect where the nexus point forms from this whole experience, making the observation through to action, working with the subject at hand, and then coming back, feedback, to the reflection and contrast between action and result, plan, purpose, and outcome.","tags":[]}]

ai: Based on the content provided, your argument presents a complex exploration of perception, reality, and the human experience through various layers of awareness and interaction with the world. It appears coherent in its progression through these concepts, starting from the basic sensory experiences to the advanced idea of third-order cybernetics. Here's a breakdown of its coherence:

  1. Introduction to the Concept of Undoing Actions: The argument begins by contrasting the digital ability to "undo" actions with the irreversible nature of actions in the real world. This serves as an engaging introduction to the deeper exploration of how our experiences and perceptions form our reality.

  2. Sensory Experience and Material World: You discuss how our senses provide us with a direct experience of the material world, which constitutes a small percentage of our overall experience. This sets the stage for a broader discussion on perception.

  3. Perception Beyond the Senses: The argument progresses to how we attach meanings to our sensory experiences, introducing the idea that our perception extends beyond just the physical world. This is a crucial step in building your argument about the complexity of human perception and reality.

  4. First-Order Cybernetics: You introduce the concept of first-order cybernetics as our direct interaction with the world through our senses and perceptions. This serves as a foundation for discussing more complex levels of perception and interaction.

  5. Second and Third-Order Cybernetics: The argument evolves into a discussion of higher levels of awareness and perception, where time and the self are perceived differently. This part of the argument introduces a more abstract and philosophical perspective on how we understand and interact with the world.

  6. Vision and Imagination: Finally, you explore the role of vision and imagination in shaping our reality, suggesting that our creative and visionary capacities allow us to transcend immediate sensory experiences and engage with the world in more complex and meaningful ways.

Throughout, the argument maintains a logical flow, moving from concrete experiences to abstract concepts, which helps in making it coherent. However, the coherence could be further enhanced by explicitly connecting these concepts to illustrate how each layer of perception and reality builds upon the previous one. Additionally, providing more concrete examples or explanations of complex concepts like third-order cybernetics could make the argument more accessible and grounded.

About the author

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

cyberkinesis Digital Knowledge and Skills for 21'st Century Sensemaking

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

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