cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)

The Cognitive Superposition Principle and its Applications for Real-Time Sensemaking


What is the fastest thing in the universe? Conventional wisdom points to the speed of light. However, what if there exists something even faster? The answer lies within our own minds—the speed of thought.

The Speed of Thought

Thoughts materialize in our minds almost instantaneously, even before we can articulate them. This remarkable speed prompts the question: Who generates these thoughts? Our minds continuously churn out thoughts from the moment we wake up until we fall asleep, and even during dreams. This process is akin to a supercomputer, constantly processing and generating outcomes based on our experiences and expectations.

Schrödinger’s Cat and Quantum Superposition

The thought experiment of Schrödinger’s cat illustrates the concept of quantum superposition: a cat inside a box can be simultaneously alive and dead until observed. This principle of superposition can be applied to our cognitive processes as well.

The Cognitive Superposition Principle

The Cognitive Superposition Principle posits that our minds generate multiple potential realities for future outcomes. These realities coexist until the actual outcome is experienced, collapsing into a single reality.

Real-Life Application

Consider the scenario of an upcoming job interview. Your mind might create two primary outcomes: one where anxiety overtakes you, leading to a poor performance, and another where you excel confidently. Although neither of these outcomes is real, you experience both emotions—the anxiety of failure and the confidence of success—until the interview actually occurs.

Preparing for Outcomes

The mind’s ability to generate these superposition-ed realities serves as a preparation tool. By anticipating various outcomes, we can better handle them when they materialize. However, this ability can also lead to anxiety if not managed properly.

Living in the Present

To mitigate anxiety, it’s crucial to focus on the present moment. The past and future exist only in our minds, often clouding our experience of the present. As Albert Einstein said, “The distinction between the past, present, and future is merely a stubbornly persistent illusion.”

Managing Cognitive Superposition

To harness the benefits of cognitive superposition without falling victim to its drawbacks:

  1. Recognize the Function: Understand that your mind’s ability to foresee multiple outcomes is a tool for preparation.
  2. Stay Present: Focus on the present moment to avoid being overwhelmed by potential future scenarios.
  3. Relax and Reset: Engage in activities that clear your mind, such as walking in nature, listening to music, or exercising. These activities help reset your mental state and reduce anxiety.


The Cognitive Superposition Principle highlights the extraordinary speed and capability of our minds to generate and process thoughts. By understanding and managing this process, we can better prepare for future events without succumbing to anxiety. Remember, the only reality that truly matters is the present moment.

By using these principles, we can optimize our cognitive processes and improve our mental well-being, ensuring that we are better equipped to face the challenges of life.

The Core Alignment Model (CAM) is one such model designed for real-time sensemaking and having a cognitive map that can be contextualized over time.

The Core Alignment Model (CAM)

The Core Alignment Model (CAM) is an innovative framework designed to enhance real-time sensemaking and facilitate a structured approach to the fluid and dynamic nature of superposition thinking. CAM enables individuals to develop a cognitive map that evolves over time, allowing for the contextualization of various perspectives and the efficient navigation of complex cognitive landscapes.

Real-Time Sensemaking with CAM

CAM emphasizes the importance of continuous observation and adaptation. By integrating feedback at every stage, CAM ensures that our understanding remains aligned with our goals and values, enabling us to make informed decisions in real time. This process involves four key stages: Observation, Orientation, Decision, and Action.

  1. Observation (Mission): At this stage, CAM encourages the identification of core values and the gathering of relevant information. The goal is to define the primary purpose of the cognitive process and establish a clear direction based on the current environment and informational needs.
  2. Orientation (Vision): This stage involves articulating the desired outcomes and future states. By setting clear objectives and outlining the scope of operations, CAM helps to transform the insights gained during observation into actionable strategies.
  3. Decision (Strategy): In this stage, CAM focuses on synthesizing information and orientations into effective strategies. It involves critical decision-making processes to determine the best paths forward, ensuring that the strategies are emotionally resonant and practically viable.
  4. Action (Tactics): The final stage involves implementing strategies through specific, actionable steps. CAM emphasizes practical execution, ensuring that actions are aligned with strategic goals and continuously monitored for effectiveness.

Contextualizing Cognitive Superposition

CAM's adaptive framework is particularly suited for navigating the complexities of cognitive superposition. By continuously integrating feedback and realigning objectives, CAM helps manage the multiple potential realities generated by the mind. This alignment allows for a clearer focus on the present moment while preparing for various future outcomes.

The Fluid Qualities of Superposition Thinking

Superposition thinking, characterized by holding multiple potential outcomes simultaneously, requires a flexible and dynamic approach. CAM supports this by:

  • Integrating Feedback: CAM constantly incorporates new data and insights, ensuring that the cognitive map remains relevant and accurate.
  • Maintaining Balance: By monitoring alignment across all stages, CAM helps to maintain coherence and prevent cognitive overload.
  • Facilitating Adaptation: CAM's cyclical process allows for continuous adjustment, enabling individuals to adapt to changing circumstances and new information effectively.

Enhancing Cognitive Resilience

By applying CAM, individuals can enhance their cognitive resilience, better managing the stress and anxiety associated with superposition thinking. The structured approach provided by CAM helps to:

  • Reduce Anxiety: By focusing on real-time sensemaking and present-moment awareness, CAM reduces the tendency to dwell on potential negative outcomes.
  • Improve Decision-Making: With a clear cognitive map and continuous feedback, decisions are more informed and aligned with core values and objectives.
  • Increase Preparedness: CAM’s emphasis on preparation and adaptation ensures that individuals are better equipped to handle unexpected challenges and opportunities.


The Core Alignment Model offers a comprehensive framework for harnessing the power of superposition thinking. By providing a structured approach to real-time sensemaking and continuous adaptation, CAM helps individuals navigate the complexities of their cognitive processes, enhancing their ability to focus on the present while preparing for future possibilities. Through CAM, the dynamic and fluid qualities of superposition thinking can be effectively managed, leading to greater cognitive clarity and resilience.

See CAM for Team Collaboration

About the author

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

cyberkinesis Core Alignment Model (Sensemaking)

John Deacon

Information entrepreneur and digital brand developer; creator of the Core Alignment Model (CAM), a framework for adaptive digital transformation that integrates observation, orientation, decision-making, and action to streamline dynamic and comprehensive reasoning in humans and machines for enhanced sensemaking.

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